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2019 (58th) Games

From David Abercrombie, Chairman Lesmahagow Highland Games Society

The sun shone brightly for us once again on Highland Games Day, and our village was a spectacle of colour, laughter and music throughout the morning and afternoon. Thanks to everyone who took part in the Chieftain’s Procession, making it an even longer one than even last year’s we think …

Our Firefighter Chieftains received loud cheers and applause all along the procession route, whilst Tartan Queen Eva (in her white Rolls Royce!) accompanied by Princesses Myla & Abbie-Leigh and Clansmen Dylan & Logan looked simply stunning in their dresses and kilts.

Other highlights of the day? We had an amazing display from the Lunar Gymnastics team which was just spectacular, and the massed Pipe Bands led by Stonehouse’s Drum Major Sandy Stewart, Beating the Retreat up the main street. Throughout the afternoon the four bands played a selection of tunes we don’t normally hear in the contests, including some old favourites like Highland Cathedral, Campbelltown Loch & The Barren Rocks of Aden. In the Heavyweight contest, we had some near-perfect 12 o’clock caber tosses, and as always, our Highland Dancers entertained on the main stage.

A big thank-you to each and every committee member who made it all possible and particularly David Rollo and Lynn Callan who worked tirelessly in the weeks running up to Games Day on the planning and detail behind the Games which goes unseen, but certainly not unappreciated.

The evening Ceilidh took place in the High School, where The Street was decorated with lanterns, balloons and fairy lights, and many photographs of all our firefighters throughout the years, creating a lovely backdrop to a lovely evening. By midnight, there were a fair few tired looking folks …

Well done to all competitors, spectators, entertainers, sponsors and supporters of the Lesmahagow Highland Games – we can’t do it without you! A big thanks also to all of the SLC staff who prepared the park to the usual high standard, well done guys!

Look out for lots of photographs coming soon of all the action – and here’s the all important diary date for next year – Saturday 20th June 2020 – The 59th Lesmahagow Highland Games


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